* Department of Electrophysics
Institute of Optoelectronics and Solid State Electronics
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Tsung-Lung Li

Personal Website

Office Room: Electrophysics Building II, A18B-402

Office Phone: +886-5-271-7904

E-Mail: quantum@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

Laboratory: Computational Physics Laboratories

Lab Room: Electrophysics Building II, A18B-406

Lab Phone:+886-5-271-7419

I. Education:

School Country Department Degree Duration
National Taiwan University Republic of China (Taiwan) Department of Civil Engineering Bachelor 1981.09 ~ 1985.06
University of Washington USA Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Master 1987.09 ~ 1989.08
University of Washington USA Institute of Electrical Engineering Master 1989.09 ~ 1990.12
University of Washington USA Institute of Electrical Engineering Doctor 1991.01 ~ 1994.12

II. Position and Experience:

Institution Department Title Duration

Current Position

National Chiayi University Department of Electrophysics Professor 2007.08 ~ Present

Past Experience

Ministry of Defense, Taipei Engineering Division, Military Logistics Headquarters Architectural Engineer 1985.07 ~ 1987.05
University of Washington Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Teaching Assistant 1988.01 ~ 1988.03
University of Washington Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research Assistant 1988.03 ~ 1989.06
University of Washington Department of Electrical Engineering Teaching Assistant 1990.03 ~ 1990.06
University of Washington Department of Electrical Engineering Research Assistant 1990.09 ~ 1994.06
National Taiwan Ocean University Division of General Education Adjunct Associate Professor 1995.08 ~ 1996.01
Chung-Hua Polytechnic Institute Department of Applied Mathematics Adjunct Associate Professor 1996.08 ~ 1997.01
Chung-Hua University Department of Electrical Engineering Adjunct Assistant Professor 1999.08 ~ 2000.07
National Taiwan University Department of Physics Post-doctoral Researcher 1995.08 ~ 1996.09
Mosel Vitelic, Incorporated, Hsinchu, Taiwan Technology Development Division Senior Engineer 1995.10 ~ 1996.08
National Center for High-performance Computing Research and Promotion Division Project Associate Researcher 1996.08 ~ 1997.07
Acer Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation Research and Development Division Senior Device Design Engineer 1997.08 ~ 1999.09
National Nano Device Laboratories Device Research Division Associate Researcher 1999.09 ~ 2000.08
National Chiayi University Department of Applied Physics Assistant Professor 2000.08 ~ 2002.07
National Chiayi University Department of Applied Physics Associate Professor 2002.08 ~ 2003.07
National Chiayi University Department of Applied Physics & Institute of Optoelectronics and Solid-state Electronics Associate Professor 2003.08 ~ 2007.07

III. Research Fields:

 First-principle computations and analyses, Physics and simulations of carbon nanotubes, Semiconductor process and device simulation, Low-dimensional semiconductor physics, Optical and transport properties of semiconductors, Quantum solid state physics and many-body theory, Photolithography and partially coherent imagery, Finite element and finite difference methods, ULSI technology and device physics, Molecular beam epitaxy and GaAs processing technology, Fluid mechanics and physical gas dynamics.

IV. Selected Recent Publications:

Year.Month Authors, Title, Journal, Volume, Page, Year
2009.06 M. Al Ahmad, D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman, R. Plana, J.-H. Ting, F.-Y. Huang, and T.-L. Li, "Multiple negative differential resistance in crossed carbon nanotubes," Journal of Applied Physics 105, 114303 (2009). [ Abstract]
2010.07 Ming-Huei Chen, Jyh-Hua Ting, Bo-Zhi Yang, Sheng-Ying Yang, and Tsung-Lung Li, "Soft limiting circuit implementable with a single multi-walled carbon nanotube," Applied Physics A 100, 193 (2010 July).  [Abstract]
2010.10 Tsung-Lung Li and Jyh-Hua Ting, "Determination of the Fermi-level subband indices of single-wall carbon nanotubes," Chinese Journal of Physics 48, 629 (2010). [Abstract]
2011.07         W. S. Su (蘇萬生), C. P. Chang (張振鵬), M. F. Lin (林明發)*, and T. L. Li (李宗隆)*, ""Electronic structures and work functions of BC3 nanotubes: A first-principle study," Journal of Applied Physics 110, 014312 (2011 July). [Abstract]
2011.11 M. H. Chen and T. L. Li, "Construction of a high-performance computing cluster: A curriculum for engineering and science students", Comput. Appl. Eng. Educ. 19(4), 678-684 (2011 November). [Abstract]
  *Corresponding author

For the full publication list, please consult the website of National Science Council: https://nscnt07.nsc.gov.tw/WRS/

To see the research results of the teachers in our school, you can also consult the website: https://web085003.adm.ncyu.edu.tw/
You can login without the need of entering the id number and password.

V. Lectured Courses (Teaching Outlines):

Year.Semester Course Names
98.1 Introduction to PhysicsQuantum Mechanics (I)General Physics Lab. (Ⅰ)、 General Physics 
98.2 Quantum Mechanics (Ⅱ)Special Topics on First-principle MethodsUndergraduate Seminar (II)、 General Physics Lab. (Ⅱ)
99.1 Quantum Mechanics (I)Special Topics (I)-Computational Physics、 General Physics Practice(I) General Physics(I)


Quantum Mechanics (Ⅱ)Electronics Experiment Guided Studies on Academic Literature (II)General Physics


Introduction to Quantum Mechanics(I)Seminar(III)General PhysicsLab. of General Physics


Introduction to Quantum Mechanics(II)Topical Research(II)Electronics ExperimentIntroduction Computational Physics


General Physics (I)Seminar(I)Electronics Experiment (I) Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (I)

For the course tables and outlines in the other semesters, please consult the website: https://web085003.adm.ncyu.edu.tw/
You can login without the need of entering the id number and password.





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