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Institute of Optoelectronics and Solid State Electronics
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last update time 2023/05/22
:::* Home > Faculty > Faculty_List > Chiu-Ping Cheng

** Faculty_List


Associate Professor

Chiu-Ping Cheng

Personal Website

Office Room: Electrophysics Building II, A18B-101

Office Phone: +886-5-271-7903

E-Mail: cpcheng@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

Laboratory: Surface Physics Lab

Lab Room: Electrophysics Building I, A18B-105

Lab Phone:+886-5-271-7408

I. Education:

School Country Department Degree Duration
National Taiwan Normal University Republic of China (Taiwan) Department of Physics Bachelor 1985.09 ~ 1989.06
National Tsing Hua University Republic of China (Taiwan) Institute of Physics Doctor 1991.09 ~ 1997.06

II. Position and Experience:

Institution Department Title Duration

Current Position

National Chiayi University Department of Electrophysics Associate Professor 2010.08 ~ Present

Past Experience

Industrial Technology Research Institute Electronics Research Laboratories Engineer 1997.07 ~ 1997.10
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center Scientific Research Division Postdoctoral Fellow 1997.11 ~ 1998.01
National Taitung Teacher College Department of Mathematics and Science Education Assistant Professor 1998.02 ~ 2001.07
National Chiayi University Department of Applied Physics Assistant Professor 2001.08 ~ 2007.07
National Chiayi University Department of Applied Physics Associate Professor 2007.08 ~ 2010.07

III. Research Fields:

 Surface Physics, Semiconductor Physics, Organic Materials, Organic Photovoltaic Cell, Photoelectron Spectroscopy

IV. Selected Recent Publications:

Year.Month Authors, Title, Journal, Volume, Page, Year
2009.05 Chiu-Ping Cheng (鄭秋平)Wen-Yen Chen (陳文彥), Ching-Hsuan Wei (魏竟軒), and Tun-Wen Pi (皮敦文), "Interfacial electronic structures of C60 molecules on a K-doped CuPc surface," Applied Physics Letters 94, 203303 (2009). [Abstract]
2009.12 Tun-Wen Pi*, Guan-Ru Lee, Ching-Hsuan Wei, Wen-Yen Chen, and Chiu-Ping Cheng, "Interfacial electronic structure of copper phthalocyanine on a gold surface studied by synchrotron radiation photoemission", Journal of Applied Physics 106, 113716 (2009). [Abstract]
  *Corresponding author

For the full publication list, please consult the website of National Science Council: https://nscnt07.nsc.gov.tw/WRS/

To see the research results of the teachers in our school, you can also consult the website: https://web085003.adm.ncyu.edu.tw/
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V. Lectured Courses (Teaching Outlines):

Year.Semester Course Names
98.1 Photoemission SpectroscopyQuantum Physics (I)Quantum Physics Practice (I)General Physics Laboratory (I)
98.2 Special Topics on Surface PhysicsGeneral Physics(II)Quantum Physics(II)Quantum Physics Practice (II)
99.1 Special Topics (I)-Nanoscale Surface Analysis TechnologyQuantum Physics (I)Topical Research(I)Quantum Physics Practice (I)General Physics Laboratory (I)


General Physics(II)Quantum Physics(II)Quantum Physics Practice (II)General Physics Lab. (Ⅱ)


Seminar(III)Quantum Physics (I)Quantum Physics Practice (I)General Physics Laboratory (I)


Quantum Physics(II)Topical Research(II)Quantum Physics Practice (II)General Physics Lab. (Ⅱ)Physics


Vacuum TechnologyQuantum Physics (I)General Physics Laboratory (I)Quantum Physics Practice (I)Undergraduate Seminar (II)


Vacuum TechnologyQuantum Physics (I)Quantum Physics Practice (I)Special Research Topics (Ⅰ)Special Research Topics (Ⅲ)

For the course tables and outlines in the other semesters, please consult the website: https://web085003.adm.ncyu.edu.tw/
You can login without the need of entering the id number and password.





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