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last update time 2023/05/22
:::* Home > Faculty > Faculty_List > Ming-Shan Tsai

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Ming-Shan Tsai

Personal Website

Office Room: Electrophysics Building II, A18B-303

Office Phone: +886-5-271-7955

E-Mail: mstsai@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

Laboratory: Liquid Crystal Physics Lab

Lab Room: Electrophysics Building I, A18B-209

Lab Phone:+886-5-271-7414

I. Education:

School Country Department Degree Duration
National Sun Yat-sen University Republic of China (Taiwan) Department of Physics Bachelor 1986.10 ~ 1990.06
National Cheng Kung University Republic of China (Taiwan) Institute of Electrophysics Master 1993.09 ~ 1995.06
National Cheng Kung University Republic of China (Taiwan) Department of Physics Doctor 1995.09 ~ 1999.07

II. Position and Experience:

Institution Department Title Duration

Current Position

National Chiayi University Department of Electrophysics Professor 2017.08 ~ Present

Past Experience

Chung Yuan Christian University Department of Physics Assistant Professor 2000.08 ~ 2002.08
National Chiayi University Department of Applied Physics Assistant Professor 2002.08 ~ 2007.07
National Chiayi University Department of Applied Physics Associate Professor 2007.08 ~ 2010.07
National Chiayi University Department of Electrophysics Associate Professor 2010.08 ~ 2017.07

III. Research Fields:

 Liquid Crystal, Optoelectronics, Nano-optics

IV. Selected Recent Publications:

Year.Month Authors, Title, Journal, Volume, Page, Year
2010.08 Chie-Tong Kuo, Yu-Sung Lin, Tung-Kai Liu, Hsuan-Chen Liu, Wen-Chi Hung*, I-Min Jiang, Ming-Shan Tsai, Chia-Chen Hsu, and Cheng-Yi Wu, "Dynamics of single-layer polymer breath figures," Optics Express 18, 18464 (2010). [ Abstract]
  *Corresponding author

For the full publication list, please consult the website of National Science Council: https://nscnt07.nsc.gov.tw/WRS/

To see the research results of the teachers in our school, you can also consult the website: https://web085003.adm.ncyu.edu.tw/
You can login without the need of entering the id number and password.

V. Lectured Courses (Teaching Outlines):

Year.Semester Course Names
98.1 Seminar(I)Optics (I)Topical Research(I)Physics Laboratory
98.2 General Physics Laboratory (Ⅱ)Optics(II)Topical Research(II)Exploring PhysicsPhysics
99.1 Special Topics (I)-Crystal OpticsOptics (I)Topical Research(III)Introduction to Optoelectronic Technology(I)Experimental Physics (III)


Optics(II)Topical Research(II)General Physics


Science and LifeOptics (I)Topical Research(I)Experimental Physics (III)


A Lecture course for General EducationOptics(II)General Physics Lab.General Physics


Seminar(III)Optics (I)General PhysicsTopical Research(III)Experimental Physics (III)-Modern Physics, Thermal Physics, and Optics


 General Physics (Ⅰ) Optics (I)Physics Laboratory

For the course tables and outlines in the other semesters, please consult the website: https://web085003.adm.ncyu.edu.tw/
You can login without the need of entering the id number and password.





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