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Ie-Hong Hong

Personal Website

Office Room: Electrophysics Building II, A18B-106

Office Phone: +886-5-271-7954

E-Mail: ihhong@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

Laboratory: Nanoscience Lab

Lab Room: Electrophysics Building I, A18B-103

Lab Phone:+886-5-271-7408

I. Education:

School Country Department Degree Duration
National Cheng Kung University Republic of China (Taiwan) Department of Earth Science Bachelor 1983.09 ~ 1987.06
National Tsing Hua University Republic of China (Taiwan) Institute of Physics Master 1987.09 ~ 1990.06
National Tsing Hua University Republic of China (Taiwan) Institute of Physics Doctor 1990.09 ~ 1994.07

II. Position and Experience:

Institution Department Title Duration

Current Position

National Chiayi University Department of Electrophysics Associate Professor 2010.08 ~ Present

Past Experience

National Tsing Hua University Department of Physics Postdoctoral Fellow 1994.08 ~ 1995.07
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSSRC) Scientific Research Division, Condensed Matter Group Assistant Research Scientist 1995.11 ~ 1999.03
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSSRC) Experiment Facility Division, Beamline Group Assistant Research Scientist 1999.04 ~ 2001.07
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSSRC) Scientific Research Division, Nano Science Group Assistant Research Scientist 2001.08 ~ 2003.07
National Chiayi University Department of Applied Physics Assistant Professor 2003.08 ~ 2007.07
National Chiayi University Department of Applied Physics Associate Professor 2007.08 ~ 2010.07

III. Research Fields:

 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Self-Organization, Nano-lithography, X-ray Photoelectron Spectromicroscopy, and Surface Physics.

IV. Selected Recent Publications:

Year.Month Authors, Title, Journal, Volume, Page, Year
2009.06 Ie-Hong Hong*, Shang-Chieh Yen, Fu-Shiang Lin, "Two-Dimensional Self-Organization of an Ordered Au-Silicide Nanowire Network on Si(110)-16×2 Surface," Small 5, 1855 (2009). [Abstract]
2009.10 Ie-Hong Hong*, Yen-Chieh Liao, Shang-Chieh Yen, ''Self-Organization of a Highly Integrated Silicon Nanowire Network on a Si(110)-16×2 Surface by Controlling Domain Growth,'' Advanced Functional Materials 19, 3389 (2009). [Abstract]
2011.05 Ie-Hong Hong (洪一弘)*, Yung-Feng Tsai (蔡永豐), and Tsung-Ming Chen (陳從銘), "Self-organization of mesoscopically ordered parallel Gd-silicide nanowire arrays on a Si(110)-16×2 surface: a massively parallel active architecture,"Applied Physics Letters 98, 193118 (2011 May). [Abstract]
2011.11 Y. C. Ie-Hong Hong (洪一弘),* Yung-Cheng Liao (廖永正), and Yung-Feng Tsai (蔡永豐), "Large-Area Parallel Ce-Silicide Nanowire Array Self-Organized on Si(110) “16×2” Template ", Applied Physics Express 4, 115003(2011). [Abstract]
  *Corresponding author

For the full publication list, please consult the website of National Science Council: https://nscnt07.nsc.gov.tw/WRS/

To see the research results of the teachers in our school, you can also consult the website: https://web085003.adm.ncyu.edu.tw/
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V. Lectured Courses (Teaching Outlines):

Year.Semester Course Names
98.1 Introduction to Solid State Physics(I)Introduction to Surface PhysicsGeneral Physics Lab.
98.2 Seminar(IV)Special Topics on First-principle MethodsIntroduction to Solid State Physics (II) 、Topical Research(IV)、General Physics Lab.
99.1 Special Topics (I)-Nanoscale Surface Analysis TechnologyIntroduction to Solid State Physics(I)Introduction to Surface PhysicsGeneral Physics Lab.


Special Topics (II)-Nanoscale Surface Analysis TechnologyIntroduction to Solid State Physics (II)General Physics Lab.


Introduction to Solid State Physics(I)General Physics(Ⅰ)Topical Research(III)General Physics Lab.


Introduction to Solid State Physics (II)Characterization of Nanostructured MaterialsGeneral Physics(II)


Seminar(III)Introduction to Solid State Physics(I)、General Physics (Ⅰ)、General Physics Lab.


Introduction to Solid State Physics(I)General PhysicsLab. of General Physics

For the course tables and outlines in the other semesters, please consult the website: https://web085003.adm.ncyu.edu.tw/
You can login without the need of entering the id number and password.





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