* Department of Electrophysics
Institute of Optoelectronics and Solid State Electronics
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last update time 2023/05/22
:::* Home > Faculty > Faculty_List > Li-Hung Lin

** Faculty_List


Associate Professor

Li-Hung Lin

Personal Website

Office Room: Electrophysics Building II, A18B-201

Office Phone: +886-5-271-7994

E-Mail: lihung@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

Laboratory: Nanostructural Transport Lab

Lab Room: Electrophysics Building I, A18B-108

Lab Phone:+886-5-271-7410

I. Education:

School Country Department Degree Duration
National Tsing Hua University Republic of China (Taiwan) Department of Physics Bachelor 1987.09 ~ 1992.06
Chiba University Japan Materials Science at Graduate School of Engineering Master 1995.04 ~ 1997.03
Chiba University Japan Science of Phase Interface at Graduate School of Science and Technology Doctor 1997.04 ~ 2000.03

II. Position and Experience:

Institution Department Title Duration

Current Position

National Chiayi University Department of Electrophysics Associate Professor 2010.08 ~ Present

Past Experience

Chiba University Graduate School of Science and Technology Post-doctoral Researcher 2000.04 ~ 2000.10
Chiba University Laboratory for Frontier Photonics and Electronics Post-doctoral Researcher 2001.08 ~ 2002.07
National Chiayi University Department of Applied Physics Assistant Professor 2002.08 ~ 2008.07
National Chiayi University Department of Applied Physics Associate Professor 2008.08 ~ 2010.07

III. Research Fields:

 Semiconductor Heterojunctions, Low-Dimensional Conducting Systems, Quantum Transport

IV. Selected Recent Publications:

Year.Month Authors, Title, Journal, Volume, Page, Year
2011.02 Chi-Te Liang*, Li-Hung Lin, Kuang Y Chen, Shun-Tsung Lo, Yi-Ting Wang, Dong-Sheng Lou, Gil-Ho Kim, Yuan H Chang, Yuichi Ochiai, Nobuyuki Aoki, Jeng-Chung Chen, Yiping Lin, Chun F Huang, Sheng-Di Lin, David A Ritchie, "On the Direct Insulator-Quantum Hall Transition in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems in the Vicinity of Nanoscaled Scatterers", Nanoscale Research Letters 6, 131 (2011). [Abstract]
2011.02 Dong-Sheng Luo, Li-Hung Lin*, Yi-Chun Su, Yi-Ting Wang, Zai Fong Peng, Shun-Tsung Lo, Kuang Yao Chen, Yuan Huei Chang, Jau-Yang Wu, Yiping Lin*, Sheng-Di Lin, Jeng-Chung Chen, Chun Feng Huang, Chi-Te Liang*, "A Delta-Doped Quantum Well System with Additional Modulation Doping", Nanoscale Research Letters 6, 139 (2011). [Abstract]
  *Corresponding author

For the full publication list, please consult the website of National Science Council: https://nscnt07.nsc.gov.tw/WRS/

To see the research results of the teachers in our school, you can also consult the website: https://web085003.adm.ncyu.edu.tw/
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V. Lectured Courses (Teaching Outlines):

Year.Semester Course Names
98.1 Practice of Scanning Electron MicroscopeGeneral PhysicsGeneral Physics (Ⅰ) Experimental Physics (I)
98.2 Seminar(Ⅱ)Special Topics on Fabrication of Micro Optoelectronic Devices、Topical Research(IV)、Thermal PhysicsGeneral Physics Lab. (Ⅱ)
99.1 Special Topics (I)-Microscopy and LithographyElectron-beam Microscopy and NanolithographyGuided Studies on Academic Literature (I)General Physics (Ⅰ)Physics Laboratory


Topical Research(II)Thermal and Statistical PhysicsGeneral Physics (Ⅱ)


Electron-beam Microscopy and NanolithographyTopical Research(III)General Physics (Ⅰ)General Physics Lab. (Ⅰ)General Physics (I)


Science and Life Introduction to NanotechnologyThermal and Statistical PhysicsGeneral Physics Lab. (Ⅱ)


General Physics Experiment (I)Physics of Nano DevicesGeneral PhysicsElectron-beam Microscopy and NanolithographyPhysics


 General Physics Experiment (I)Quantum MechanicsElectromagnetism (I)General Physics

For the course tables and outlines in the other semesters, please consult the website: https://web085003.adm.ncyu.edu.tw/
You can login without the need of entering the id number and password.





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