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* * 張耀仁老師


張耀仁(Yao-Jen Chang


副教授 兼 管理學院外籍生全英碩士學程執行長












  1. David Y. Chang, (2011), “Achieving a Coordination Framework of Strategy and Information Technology”, Advances in Hospitality & Leisure, 7, pp.29-48
  2. Tseng, T. A., Shen, C. & Chang, D. Y.* (2010). Potential sport-event participants’ travel motivations and demands concerning sport tourism: The 2008 Beijing Olympic game. Challenges and Prospects in Tourism Research, 13, 314-336.
  3. David Y. Chang, (2009), "The Relationships between Leisure Behaviors and Life Satisfaction of Foreign Labors in Taiwan – the Case of Thai Labors", Advances in Hospitality & Leisure, 5, pp.25-50.
  4. David Y. Chang, (2009), "Service quality assessment of a chain steakhouse in Taiwan", Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, 10(4), pp.255- 278.
  5. Chang, D. Y. & Chu, Y., (2009), “University-industry co-operation in action: A case study of the Integrated Internship Program (IIP) in Taiwan”. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 21(1), pp.6-16.
  6. Chang, D. Y. & Annaraud, K. (2008). Service quality evaluation and multiattribute attitude measurement: The case of a chain steakhouse in Taiwan. Advances in Hospitality & Leisure, 4, 161-184.
  7. Annaraud, K. & Chang, D. Y. (2008). SAS # 112 and the private club industry. The Journal of Hospitality Financial Management, 16 (1), 77-82.
  8. Cetron, M., DeMico, F. J., & Chang, D. Y. (2007). Energy: Lifeblood of Hospitality. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 9 (3), 97-123.
  9. Chang, D. Y., Belanger, F., & Uysal, M. (2006). The relationship among trustworthiness, time lapse, and online reservation in the hospitality and tourism industry. Advances in Hospitality & Leisure, 2, 179-198.
  10. Madanoglu, M., Chang, D. Y.*, & Chu, Y. (2004). Creating economic value in the US airline industry: Are we missing the flight? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 16 (5), 294-298.
  11. Chang, D. Y. (2003). Six fundamentals of strategic implementation of information systems for destination management organization. e-Review of Tourism Research, 1 (4), 89-94.



  1. Chu, K. H. & Chang, D. Y.*, (2011). “The impact of locus of control on hospitality employee emotional labor presentation and work outcomes.” Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APac-CHRIE) Conference, 2011, 06.
  2. Chen, Y., Chu, P. & Chang, D. Y.* (2009). Knowledge-delivery of internship instructors in the hospitality field: A case study of integrated internship program (IIP) in Taiwan. Proceedings of 2009 International Symposium on the Future of Cultural Creativity – New Concepts in Tourism, Sports, and Leisure Development, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  3. Tseng, T., Chang, D. Y., & Shen, C. (2009). The souvenir purchase as a medium of sustainable development in rural tourism. National Extension Tourism Conference, Park City, Utah.
  4. Tseng, T., Shen, C., & Chang, D. Y. (2009). Potential sport event spectators’ travel motivation and needs: 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Tourism (ITC), Athens, Greece.
  5. Chu, P. Y. & Chang, D. Y.* (2008). Student interns’ preliminary assessment of a joint internship program in Taiwan. Proceedings of 6th Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APac-CHRIE) Conference and THE-ICE International Panel of Experts Forum 2008, 57-67, Perth, Western Australia.
  6. Chang, D. Y. & Schrock, J. R. (2008). Measuring service quality and customer satisfaction of a chain steakhouse in Taiwan. Proceedings of 2008 International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education Annual Conference (I-CHRIE), 59-67, Atlanta, Georgia., USA.
  7. Chang, D. Y. (2006). Who they really are – Identify the typology of Internet shoppers cautiously. Proceedings of 2006 International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education Annual Conference (I-CHRIE), 54-59, Washington, D.C., USA.
  8. Chang, D. Y. (2006). Strategic IT: Using the co-alignment model to devise information systems – A case study of Virginia Beach. Proceedings of 12th Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) and 4th Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APac-CHRIE) Joint Conference, 1687-1699, Hualien, Taiwan.
  9. Chang, D. Y., Belanger, F., & Uysal, M. (2004). An online purchasing model: Trustworthiness and time lapse in the hospitality and tourism industry. Proceedings of the Hospitality Information Technology Association (HITA) Annual 11th Conference on Information Technology in the Hospitality Industry, Dallas, Texas, USA.
  10. Chang, D. Y. (2004). A coordination framework of strategy and information technology for destination management organizations – A case study of Virginia Beach. Proceedings of IFITT / ENTER 2004 Annual 5th Research Ph.D. Research Workshop, Cairo, Egypt.
  11. Chang, D. Y. (2004). Strategy and performance: Two theoretical approaches for strategy formulation and implementation in the co-alignment model. Proceedings of Ninth Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Students Research Conference, Houston, Texas, USA.
  12. Chang, D. Y., Madanoglu, M., and Chu, Y. (2003). Toward e-commerce in the hospitality and tourism industry: An exploratory survey of consumers’ perception. Proceedings of the 2003 EuroCHRIE Congress, 14-18, Bad Honnef, Germany. (Nominated for Best Paper Award)
  13. Madanoglu, M., Chang, D. Y.*, & Chu, Y. (2003). Creating economic value added (EVA): The case of the U.S. airline industry. Proceedings of First Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APac-CHRIE) Conference, Seoul, South Korea
  14. Chang, D. Y. & Weaver, P. A. (2003). The use of online application systems in the hospitality and tourism industry: A satisfaction analysis. Proceedings of Eighth Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Students Research Conference, 8, 43-47, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
  15. Chang, D. Y. (2003). A case study investigation of service quality in the Green Garden Café. Proceedings of Eighth Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Students Research Conference, 8, 48-52, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
  16. Chang, D. Y. & Olsen, M. D. (2002). Will service plus information technology equal e-service? Proceedings of 2002 International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education Annual Conference (I-CHRIE), Orlando, Florida, USA.
  17. Chang, D. Y. (2002). Is information technology a value driver to the hospitality and tourism industry? Proceedings of Fourth Annual College Graduate Student Research, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.
  18. Chang, D. Y. (2002). A theoretical information system designing for the tourism destination management. Proceedings of 18th Annual Research Symposium, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.
  19. Chang, Y. & Chu, Y. (2001). Contemporary observation of casino gambling in the USA -- Studies of forces driving change and trend analysis. Proceedings of the Third Conference of Academics & Praxis, School of Management, Shih Chien University, Taipei City, Taiwan.


C. 研究計畫

  1. 高雄市政府觀光局,(2011),「中國大陸觀光客對高雄市觀光旅遊滿意度之研究」,高雄市政府觀光局。計畫主持人。
  2. 新科洋國際開發有限公司,(2012),「打造頣禾園創意生活休閒園區構想計畫」,新科洋國際開發有限公司,計畫主持人。



  1. 景文科技大學,教師資格審查,審查委員。
  2. 嘉義縣政府,「101年度休閒農業及農村社區輔導計畫」,審查委員。
  3. 台灣首府大學,教師資格審查,審查委員。
  4. 嘉南藥理科技大學,教師資格審查,審查委員。
  5. 實踐大學休閒產業管理學系,專題研究,口試委員。
  6. 國立屏東商業技術學院,論文,口試委員。
  7. 100年度公務人員高等考試三級考試暨普通考試,命題委員。
  8. 100年度公務人員高等考試三級考試暨普通考試,閱卷委員。
  9. Emerald Group Publishing期刊,審查委員。
  10. 嘉義市教育會,會員。
  11. 2012台灣與阿里山國際觀光產業研討會,主持人兼評論人。
  12. 康寧大學,問卷專家效度審查,審查委員。
  13. 國立高雄餐旅大學,論文,口試委員。
  14. 東海學報,期刊論文審查,審查委員。
  15. 國立虎尾科技大學學報,期刊論文審查,審查委員。
  16. 南開科技大學,教師資格審查,審查委員。
  17. 2012國家考試曁文官培訓學者專家座談會。



  1. 本校100-1新進教師座談會(100.09.09)
  2. 本所「100-101教學卓越計畫B1-1:辦理教學法研習」-談碩士論文撰寫流程:以問卷調查法為例(100.09.21)
  3. 本所「100-101教學卓越計畫B1-1:辦理教學法研習」-方法目的鏈研究方法(100.10.12) 
  4. 管理學院教師教學法研習:商管領域實務性教學經驗之漫談(100.10.19) 
  5. 100學年度第2學期「教與學研討會」(101.02.17) 
  6. 教學平台進階運用(101.03.9) 
  7. 管理學院教學法研習會:「研究方法教材編寫經驗分享」(101.04.24) 
  8. 管理學院教學法研習會:「AACSB認證經驗分享」(101.06.06)
  9. 教卓管院共同課程教材品保:「企業研究方法」,多準則決策分析—資料包絡分析法之研究與應用 (101.09.20)
  10. 教與學研習講座:「心理輔導與課業輔導之間的合作:當我們的學生something wrong時」(2012.09.26)





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