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類  別:

The 23rd International Childhood Education Symposium

We would like to invite you to attend the 23rd International Childhood Education Symposium during the dates of March 15 _ March 19, 2015 at Harris Manchester College in the University of Oxford, Oxford, England. Harris Manchester College is one of the thirty-eight colleges that form the University of Oxford and was founded in 1786. We are pleased to invite you to become a member of this Round Table. Membership is limited to approximately thirty-five (35) interdisciplinary scholars who have a particular interest in this subject.


You are invited and encouraged to make a presentation and to provide a paper on a relevant aspect of the topic, however your participation as a member of the Round Table is not contingent upon presenting and you can serve on a panel or as a discussion leader. Papers presented at the Round Table may be subsequently submitted for publication in the Forum, a journal of the Oxford Round Table. Papers considered for publication in the Forum are evaluated by peer reviewers as to technical and substantive quality and for potential to make a significant contribution to new knowledge in the field. 


Should you accept this invitation you will be joined on the programme by Hugh Benjamin (MEd in Drama and Education, Newcastle University, D.Phil, York University) is former Deputy Director of Stantonbury School Campus in Milton Keynes.  Most recently he has been involved in the national initiatives concerning the introduction of Vocational Diplomas and the Specialist Schools movement. He has been involved in educational consultancy work in Poland, Czech. Republic, Belgium and India. Dr. Benjamin returns to the Oxford Round Table for his fourteenth year.


Members of the Oxford Round Table have access to an array of academic, cultural and social resources, including the Oxford Union Debating Society, colleges and halls of Oxford dating back to 1204, museums, theatres, bookstores, college chapels, river boating, literary pubs, political clubs and may, on recommendation, become official readers of the venerable Bodleian Library of the University, founded by Duke Humphrey circa 1440 and refounded by Sir Thomas Bodley 1602. A free afternoon and evening will be available on Tuesday for independent travel to London (one hour south of Oxford), Stratford-upon-Avon, Bath, Stonehenge, Salisbury, Cambridge or many of the other cultural sights in England.


Topics of discussion will include but is not limited to:


Early Childhood Education
_    Early STEM Learning
_    Reading First
_    The Creative Child
_    Children Speech
_    At Risk Children
_    Preventive Health for Children
_    Planning the PreK-3 Programs
_    Technology and the Young Child

Children Literature
_    The Culture of Literacy
_    Religion in Children Literature
_    Magical Worlds
_    Slam Poetry
_    African-American Children Literature
_    Children Literature Innovations
_    Fantasy and Dreams

Special Education
_    Least Restrictive Environment
_    Stay-Put
_    Regression-Recoupment
_    Interface with NCLB
_    Inclusion
_    Related Services
_    Crisis Intervention
_    Parent Collaboration
_    Designing the IEP
_    Manifestation Decisions
_    Extended School Year

School Administration and Leadership
_    School Policy and Governance
_    The School Leadership Challenge
_    The School Board
_    School Improvement
_    Curricular Enhancement
_    Public School and Religion
_    Involving Parents in School Partnerships
_    Involving the Community
_    Teacher Rights

Elementary Instruction
_    Elementary STEM Learning
_    Reading Progress
_    English as a Second Language
_    Health and the Child
_    Improving Learning
_    Art Education
_    Music Education
_    Mathematics Assessment
_    Early Science Assessment

Secondary Instruction
_    Secondary STEM Learning
_    Advanced Placement
_    Deterrents to Learning
_    Bilingual Education
_    Library Technology
_    Science and Math Performance
_    Electronic Instruction
_    English as a Second Language
_    Curricular Enhancement
_    Improving Learning
_    Performance Measures
_    International Performance

School Governance
_    Government Accountability
_    Alternative Sources of Funding
_    Health and Drugs
_    Bullying
_    Structural Changes in Schooling
_    Traditional Public Schools
_    Measurement of Performance
_    Rationalizing Universal Education
_    Government Funding of Parochial Schools
_    Collective Bargaining

Education Law
_    Bullying
_    Due Process
_    Affirmative Action
_    Title IX
_    NCLB
_    Sexual Harassment

Instruction and Support

_    Connected Learning
_    Technology Support
_    Distance Learning
_    Counseling and Psychology
_    Educational Technology and Multimedia
_    Transformative Education
_    The Role of IT in schools
_    Open Technologies


The conference will run from Sunday night through Thursday morning.  We will have reception and dinners in the Olde Dining Hall on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday nights where the Oxford professors and students dine when university is in session.  Lunches are provided on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday along with tea/coffee/biscuit breaks during the meeting.  You can also reserve a room in the Oxford University dormitory at Harris Manchester College where students stay during term time.  More detailed information concerning the schedule of events and the registration fee can be found on our web site.


In order to ensure that you are registered in a timely and accurate manner, we recommend that you register on our website at www.oxfordroundtable.co.uk. Should you be unable to attend, we would welcome your nomination of a colleague to attend in your place. We look forward to hearing from you.


Alternatively, we are also hosting a few other sessions in 2015 that may be of interest to you as well:


Literature, Language and the Arts, March 15 _ 19, 2015


Women and Education, March 22 _ 26, 2015


Issues in Childhood Education, July 19 _ 22, 2015


Environment, Climate Change and Global Warming, July 22 _ 25, 2015


Critical Public Issues, July 22 _ 25, 2015


Religion, Women and History, July 26 _ 29, 2015


Please direct all inquiries to:



Oxford Round Table

Fax:        866-244-8833

E-mail:        coordinator@oxfordroundtable.com

Web Site:    www.oxfordroundtable.co.uk





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