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last update time 2023/06/27
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** Regulations


National Chiayi University (NCYU)

Master’s Degree Regulations for the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering

(Applicable to master students admitted in the 2014 school year)

Promulgated and passed at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 8 Sep. 2000

Promulgated at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 6 Jun. 2001

Promulgated at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 6 Jun. 2002

Promulgated at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 15 Jan. 2004

Promulgated at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 2 Jun. 2004

Promulgated at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 4 Nov. 2004

Promulgated at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 14 Dec. 2004

Promulgated at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 4 Oct. 2006

Promulgated at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 22 Jan. 2008

Promulgated at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 1 Oct. 2008

Promulgated at the CSIE Student Affairs Committee on 22 Feb. 2010

Promulgated at the CSIE Student Affairs Committee on 26 May. 2010

Promulgated at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 9 Jun. 2010

Promulgated at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 17 Feb. 2011

Promulgated at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 9 Jun. 2011

Promulgated at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 11 Dec. 2012

Promulgated at the CSIE Student Affairs Committee on 9 Oct. 2013

Promulgated at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 9 Oct. 2013

I.                    Program Requirement

1.      Master’s students in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE) at National Chiayi University (NCYU) (hereinafter referred to as master students) are required to register for Seminar I and II in their first two semesters of graduate study and to earn a passing grade in these semesters. These cannot be used to satisfy elective course credit requirements. Students are required to register for Seminar III and IV. These can be used to satisfy elective course credit requirements.

2.      Master students have to take Thesis for six credits in the semester of graduation and the semester before graduation.

3.      In compliance with Master’s Degree Regulations for CSIE, except for Seminar and Thesis, students have to complete 24 credits, of which 18 credits have to be for course offered by CSIE. For the other 6 credits, master students who wish to take courses offered by other departments in NCYU have to submit application forms to CSIE Student Affairs Committee for approval.

4.      The courses taken by students in each semester, should be reviewed and approved by the thesis advisors. For the students who do not choose thesis advisor yet, the courses should be approved by the chair of the department.

5.      Master students without a CS-related Bachelor degree or without taking the following basic CSIE courses before, have to make up a deficiency by taking two or more of following undergraduate CSIE courses. Whether the courses taken by students are the related basic CSIE courses is determined by CSIE Student Affairs Committee. Master students need to achieve 60 for passing the courses. The credits for the undergraduate CSIE basic courses are not counted in graduation credits.
CSIE basic courses include
(1) Data Structure
(2) Programing Language
(3) Operation System
(4) Computer Organization (or Computer Architecture)
(5) Introduction to Algorithm.

6.      To improve the academic participation and enhance international capabilities, master students have to publish research results in the conference papers or journal papers.
Student’s academic participation is measured by points. The publications can be counted only when the thesis advisor is included as one of the authors. Students have to get points with papers, in which the first author is the student (except for the thesis advisor) for graduation. Students who wish to graduate in the first school year have to achieve 3 points. Students who wish to graduate in the second school year have to achieve 2 points. Students who wish to graduate in the third school year have to achieve 1 points. Students with direct admission to master program and graduate in the fifth year have to achieve 2 points. Point calculation is described as follows. For the paper with only one author (except for thesis advisor), the author can have 100% points. For the paper with more than one author (except for thesis advisor), the first author can have 50% points, and the second author can have 25%. The paper published in the SCI journals is counted as 6 points. The paper published in international journals and written in English is counted as 4 points. The paper published in Chinese journals and written in Chinese is counted as 2 points. The paper published in international conferences and written in English is counted as 2 points. The paper published in local conferences, conferences in China, conferences held by CSIE relevant society, or others is counted up to 1 point. The level of journal or conference is approved by the thesis advisor.

II.                  Thesis advisor

1.      Within one semester after enrollment, master students have to choose the thesis advisor and submit applications to CSIE Student Affairs Committee.

2.      The thesis advisor chosen by students have to be a full-time faculty member of CSIE in principle. If necessary, one more thesis advisor can be chosen as co-advisor.

3.      Application for changing thesis advisor have to be approved by the original advisor (or CSIE Department Affairs Committee) and new advisor.  Application have to be submitted to the CSIE Student Affairs Committee for review before the change can take place.

III.                Master Thesis

1.      For master students or students who has direct admission to master program and wish to graduate in the fifth year, after one semester after enrollment and having permission as master students, students can submit research proposal to the Research Proposal Committee. Three or more of CSIE full-time faculty members (including thesis advisor) will form a research proposal committee to review the research proposal. Students who fail the research proposal review is allowed to re-submit the research proposal after four months.

2.      Students who pass research paper review can submit thesis draft to apply for oral defense for the master’s degree after two months. After as least one month, oral defense for the master’s degree will be held. Students can graduate after passing the oral defense for the master’s degree.

3.      Oral Defense Committee will be formed by three to five members (including the thesis advisor), as least one of which should not be affiliated with NCYU.

IV.                Matters not mentioned herein shall be governed by Regulations for Master’s and Doctoral Degree Examination in NCYU, and relevant regulations in NCYU and Ministry of Education (MOE).

V.                  These program regulations were promulgated and passed at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee, and approved by Dean of College of Science and Engineering for subsequent implementation. Revisions of the program regulations are the same as promulgation.


The Regulations were drawn up in Chinese and translated into English. In the event of any discrepancy between the two versions, the original Chinese version shall prevail.


National Chiayi University (NCYU)

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering

Application Form for Master’s Student taking Undergraduate Courses


1.          In compliance with Master’s Degree Regulations for the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, master students without a CS-related Bachelor degree or without taking the following basic CSIE courses before, have to make up a deficiency by taking two or more of following undergraduate CSIE courses. Whether the courses taken by students are the related basic CSIE 0 courses is determined by CSIE Student Affairs Committee. Master students need to achieve 60 for passing the courses. The credits for the CSIE basic courses are not counted in graduation credits.
Undergraduate CSIE basic courses include
(1) Data Structure
(2) Programing Language
(3) Operation System
(4) Computer Organization (or Computer Architecture)
(5) Introduction to Algorithm.

2.          For students not graduated from the department of CSIE or Computer Science, please fill following table to identifying the courses taken before.



Student Number


Names of School and Department for bachelors degree


Courses taken before ( should list two or more courses which are the same as or similar to above CSIE basic courses)




















Courses needed to make up



Signature of thesis advisor


















Signature of department chair  ________________________

National Chiayi University (NCYU)

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering

Graduation Check Form for Master’s Students


Date of application:  ___________(Year/Month/Day)


Student Name

Student Number

School year of enrollment

GradeMaster      Years

Names of School and Department for bachelor’s degree

1. The undergraduate courses taken in CSIE to make up a deficiency  by students not graduated from the department of CSIE or Computer Science (Attachment: transcripts and Application Form for Master’s Student taking Undergraduate Courses)

Course Name

Year passed / Score







2. Student’s academic participation is measured by points. The publications can be counted only when the thesis advisor is one of the authors. (Attachment: Published Papers)

Title of Paper

Category Number

(see the memo)

List all authors in the paper in order.

 (Underline thesis advisor and the applicant)

Points actually get













Memo: For the paper with only one author (except for thesis advisor), the author can have 100% points. For the paper with more than one author (except for thesis advisor), the first author can have 50% points, and the second author can have 25%.

Signature of thesis advisor                                                 


Signature of convener of CSIE Student Affairs Committee


Signature of department chair


This form is promulgated at CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 9 Oct. 2013.





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