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Create Date:2012-07-10
Update Date:2012-07-10
Department:Department of Civil and Water Resources Engineering

University Academic Affairs Evaluation 2011: NCYU Passes All the Five Evaluation Categories

In the Campus Visit of the University Academic Affairs Evaluation 2011, NCYU supervisors took a picture with the staff members. In the Campus Visit of the University Academic Affairs Evaluation 2011, NCYU President Lee Ming-Jen introduced the supervisors and gave a speech.

University Academic Affairs Evaluation 2011: NCYU Passes All the Five Evaluation Categories
  According to the evaluation results based on school performance of universities in the first half of 2011 released by Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan, HEEACT on June 27th, National Chiayi University passed all the five evaluation categories: “self-positioning of the school”, “school governance and management”, “teaching and learning resources”, “performance and social responsibility” and “continuous improvement and quality assurance mechanisms”. The result bore witness to the progress NCYU has made in recent years in terms of school performance.

  Academic affairs evaluation of universities in year 2011 was conducted by HEEACT, under commission of the Ministry of Education. Seventy one of the public and private universities were evaluated with universities of science and technology and technical colleges excluded from the list. Thirty-seven schools were evaluated in the first half of the year, while 34 were evaluated in the last half. NCYU, one of the universities that were evaluated during the last half of 2011, received an on-site visit from the HEEACT review board from Dec. 26th to 27th, 2011. The review board evaluated the university based on briefings, interviews with faculty, staff members and students, document review and campus visit. Results of academic affairs evaluation were shown in five different categories, which would be assessed as “approved”, “approved with conditions” or “unapproved”.

  According to the evaluation results among the 34 public and private universities that were evaluated in the later half of the year, only 21, or 61.8% of them, were “approved” in all the five 5 categories. It is noteworthy that NCYU tied with National Taiwan University, National Cheng Kung University, National Chengchi University, etc., in gaining approval in all the five evaluation categories. The results of the academic affairs evaluation bore witness to the remarkable performance NCYU has demonstrated.

  After hearing the good news, NCYU President Chiou Yi-Yuan called former presidents Yang Kuo-Shih and Lee Ming-Jen to express his gratitude for their outstanding leadership. He was also thankful for the joint efforts that have been shown by all the administrative staff, faculty and students. As to the future, he said, a follow-up self-improvement mechanism needed to be set up based on the advice offered by the review board. In addition, the university would continue its dedication to the university development objectives, which were “quality research”, “distinguished education” and “creative services”. And by realizing the goals of “serving the society with knowledge, spearheading improvement with technology, beautifying life with humanities”, they would jointly pursue the vision of making NCYU “the glory of Chiayi, apple of the eye of Taiwan, and a new-born star in the world”.





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