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Create Date:2012-05-07
Update Date:2012-05-07
Department:Department of Civil and Water Resources Engineering

NCYU Horticulture Week: Come Smell it!

Bracket:2012NCYU News 

NCYU Department of Horticulture was hosting “Horticulture Week: Sweet Grass” in the Student Activity Center of Lantan Campus.NCYU Horticulture Week: Come Smell it!

  NCYU Department of Horticulture was hosting “Horticulture Week: Sweet Grass” in the Student Activity Center of Lantan Campus last week. Many rarely seen sweet grasses were displayed during the event. Teachers, students and visitors came to see these exotic plants and how they can be used in our lives. Guides were available to walk you through the exhibition. Everyone is welcome to come to smell the fragrance of the sweet grasses. 

  Is it apple-scented Brazilian Button Flower or passion fruit-scented mountain marigold? The guide from Horticulture Department would cover the nameplate of the plant and ask visitors to guess what fruit fragrance it is by smelling his or her hand that just touched the sweet grass. With this first-hand experience, people can learn more about these potted plants than their ornamental values. The theme of the vendors also centered around sweet grasses, covering cuisines such as sweetgrass cookies, honey mint tea, sweetgrass potatoes, etc., or games such as “Guessing what plant it is” or “Make a Sweetgrass Sachet of Your Own”. People could make their own sachets with meanings particular to themselves, committing their wishes in them and bring them home. 

  The Horticulture Department designed the setting based on the idea of tropical rainforest. People could start their own adventure and discover amazing plants in it. Additionally, Ikenobo senior specialists of more than 30 years of experience were there to display their delicate floral arts, adding horticulture values to the event. 

  Zhang, Zhe-Wei, the coordinator of Horticulture Week, said a group of dedicated students devoted their precious winter vacation taking turns caring for the sweetgrass in the school. In order to make sure that people can enjoy drinking the sweetgrass tea without worrying, they insisted on pesticide-free cultivation method and feared no hardship of caring the plants. One time when there was a water outage for several days, seeing all the plants were on the brink of withering, these students came to their rescue by carrying back and forth two buckets of water to the greenhouse. Even every one of them was exhausted, seeing the plants grow is rewarding enough. 

  Zhang stressed that the plants displayed in the Horticulture Week were the result of students’ attentive care, not just some plants brought in from bulk sale. There were also people providing tips on how to grow sweetgrass at home. 





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