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Create Date:2012-03-12
Update Date:2012-03-12
Department:Department of Civil and Water Resources Engineering

“More Language of Art” Graduation Exhibition of NCYU Department of Visual Arts on Minghsiung Campus from Mar. 5

Bracket:2012NCYU News

“More Language of Art” Graduation Exhibition “More Language of Art” Graduation Exhibition of NCYU Department of Visual Arts on Minghsiung Campus from Mar. 5
   2012 graduation exhibition theme “More Language of Art”, held by students from the continuing education program of the Department of Visual Arts, National Chiayi University, will kick off at the University Hall, Minghsiung Campus, from Mar. 5th to 16th. The exhibition features a plethora of artistic creations, all showcasing the students’ unique insights and definition of art. Art lovers in Chiayi County and City are welcome to join the event and appreciate the works on display.

  Organizer of the graduation exhibition, Chen Kwan Chuan mentioned that theme of the exhibition “More Language of Art” was inspired by the doomsday predictions in 2012. As implied by the theme, they want to express the diversity, abundance, originality and uniqueness of the artworks via “more” use of artistic language, or language of art. By emphasizing the concepts of sustainability and recycling and reusing of natural resources by a colorful variety of artistic styles, they strive to call the public’s attention to the significance of sustainable development. They try to break away from the traditional definition of exhibition, which is, as implied by the name, a display of artworks. Their new form of exhibition is one which is lived, where art exists in daily life. To them, the graduation exhibition, rather than an end, is a whole new beginning which leads them to new challenges in the next phase of life, and broader vista of art.

  A total of around 70 pieces of work have been submitted for display by the students, ranging from flat painting, visual design, digital animation, visual creation and pottery art to installation art. It is a culmination of four years’ learning on the part of the students. Through a subtle combination of traditional and modern art, complete with eastern and western painting styles, the vast array of exhibits fully showcase their unique artistic styles and concepts of art.

  Tea reception will take place on Mar. 10th at 12:30 p.m., while the graduation exhibition will tour in Northern, Middle and Southern Taiwan from Mar. 20th to May 13th. It aims to warm up the hearts and impress visitors with the novelty of art creation.

“More Language of Art” Graduation Exhibition “More Language of Art” Graduation Exhibition





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