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last update time 2022/02/15
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** faculty


99 academic year Michaelmas term

Name Headings in an Account Book Course Hour


Kuo Chuan-Yu

Chinese ()


Selected Readings and Composition in Chinese Ts’u


Study of Specific Ys Writers()


Chinese ()Chinese Practical Writing


Chinese ()


Chinese ()

Monday 34


Monday 56


Tuesday 78


Thursday 12


Thursday 34


Wednesday 1 2

Contemporary Neo-Confucianism
Philosophy of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzo
 History of Chinese Thought
Spinoza ‘s Philosophy

Resume Degree Held

Work and Research

Assistant Professor

 Ph. D. in Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University

1. Chen Qian Ci Ci poems, with Shen's research,Xiu Wei Books,2008.9
2. National Cheng Kung University Chinese writing certificate (idioms articles),Li Ren Books,2009.9
3. Dynasty Ci Yun Shen,Hong Ye Books,p311-370,1999.2
4. Wen Ting Yun discriminative,National Taiwan University Department of Chinese PhD thesis,2007.1
5. Mao is the first song rhyme Dynasty Shunan,Literary heritage No.3,2010.5

1 Office Office Hour

Email address




* Download Files: * Selected Readings and Composition in Chinese Ts’u ( PDF ) / Selected Readings and Composition in Chinese Ts’u ( DOC )
* Study of Specific Ys Writers ( PDF ) / Study of Specific Ys Writers ( DOC )
* Chinese(III)Chinese Practical Writing ( PDF ) / Chinese(III)Chinese Practical Writing ( DOC )
* Chinese(I) ( PDF ) / Chinese(I) ( DOC )




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