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:::* Home > Teacher > Chig-Long Lin

** Teacher

 Lin, Chig-Long , Ph.D.

  Position: Professor

  Education: Department of Zoology, National Taiwan University.

  Specialty: Fish Diseases ,Drugs in Aquaculture ,Parasitic Copepodology 

  Email: cllin@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

Photo of Dr.Lin
Refereed Papers
  1. 林清龍、林森榮。1978。幼蟳養殖調查報告,中國水產,309期: 12-13。
  2. 林清龍。1979。兩種短尾類 Portunus pelagicus and Thalamita prymna幼 期發育的初步研究,水產試驗所試驗報告,31: 489-500。
  3. 林清龍、許世人。1980。三種短尾類 (Branchyura)紅蟳,蚵蟳台灣截幼 生區別,中國水產,330: 23-25。
  4. 宋延齡、陳秀男、郭光雄、林清龍、丁雲源。1980。HIVAX Vibrio anguillarum 疫苗免疫虱目魚苗 (Chanos chanos)的效果,農發會漁業特刊,魚病專集 3: 101-108。
  5. 林清龍。1980。虱目魚苗對 Vibrio anguillarum Bacteria 疫苗的免疫反 應,水產試驗所試驗報告,32: 623-627。
  6. 林清龍、林明男、丁雲源。1981。虱目魚紅班病 (Red Spot Disease)的防治研究,水產試驗所試驗報告,33: 630-636。
  7. 林清龍、丁雲源、宋延齡。1982。再探討 HIVAX Vibrio anguillarum 疫 苗免疫虱目魚 (Chanos chanos)魚苗的效果,農發會漁業特刊 8:魚病研究專集 (4): 80-83。
  8. Lin, C. L., Y. Y. Ting, Y. L. Song, S. N. Chen and G. H. Kou, 1982. Evaluation of HIVAX Vibrio anguillarum Bacterin in the Vaccination of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Fingerlings, NSC Symposium Series, 31: 22-27.
  9. 林清龍、丁雲源。1983。化學治療劑對於虱目魚紅斑病之藥浴效果, 農發會漁業特刊 9:魚病研究專集 (5): 51-56。
  10. 林清龍、丁雲源。1984。再探討化學治療劑對於虱目魚紅斑病之藥浴 效果,台灣省水產試驗所試驗報告,36: 113-127。
  11. 林清龍、丁雲源。1984。有關 Sarotherodon aurea 卵巢發育之研究,台 灣省水產學會刊 Vol. 11, No. 1: 20-26。
  12. 林清龍、吳慶麗、丁雲源。1985。各種化學治療劑對於養殖生物-草蝦, 砂蝦,蟳,文蛤等幼苗之安全濃度,台灣省水產試驗所試驗報告,38: 189-198。
  13. Chien C. Y. and C. L. Lin 1985, A Fungus Disease of Larval Red Shrimp Caused by Lagenidium Fish Pathology, 20 (2/3) 263-266。
  14. 林清龍、吳慶麗、丁雲源。1987。消毒劑對虱目魚紅斑病之藥浴效果, 臺灣省水產試驗所試驗報告,42: 299-303。
  15. 林清龍、吳慶麗、丁雲源。1987。各種化學治療劑對紅尾蝦幼苗之安 全濃度,台灣省水產試驗所試驗報告,43: 179-183。
  16. 林清龍、吳慶麗、丁雲源。1988。草蝦、紅尾蝦、蟳,人工繁殖期間 水中之細菌數,台灣省水產試驗所試驗報告,44: 233-238。
  17. 林清龍、吳慶麗、丁雲源。1989。各種化學治療劑對石斑魚及黑鯛之 安全濃度-II,台灣省水產試驗所試驗報告,47: 189-195。
  18. 林清龍、吳慶麗、丁雲源。1989。文蛤養成期間水中之細菌數,台灣 省水產試驗所試驗報告,46: 245-249。
  19. Lin C. L., 1989, A New Species of Caligus (Copepoda, Caligidae) Parasitic on Milkfish (Chanos chanos) CRUSTACEANA, 57 (3): 225-246。
  20. 林清龍、吳慶麗、丁雲源。1990。各種化學治療劑對石斑魚及黑鯛之 安全濃度-I,台灣省水產試驗所試驗報告,49: 219-225。
  21. 林清龍、吳慶麗、丁雲源。1990。各種化學治療劑對草蝦幼苗之安全 濃度,台灣省水產試驗所試驗報告,49: 213-218。
  22. 林清龍、吳慶麗、丁雲源。1990。各種水產用之化學治療劑對鱸魚苗 之安全濃度,台灣省水產試驗所試驗報告,48: 235-240。
  23. 林清龍、吳慶麗、丁雲源。1991。消毒劑對弧菌 Vibrio anguillarum之 消毒效果,台灣省水產試驗所試驗報告,50: 245-249。
  24. 林清龍、熊文俊、翁榮隆。1992。不同濃度之甲狀腺素 (Thyroxine)對 吳郭魚-歐利亞 (Oreochromis aurea)幼生期之成長影響,嘉農學報第29期: 179-190。
  25. 林清龍、陳秀男、郭光雄、吳慶麗、丁雲源。1993。烏魚養殖期間的 病害調查及研究,農委會漁業特刊四十號,魚病研究專集 No. 13: 47-64。
  26. 郭世榮、林清龍。1993。高雄港第二港口附近海域底棲性生物種類群 聚結構之研究。嘉農學報 No. 35: 121-140。
  27. 林清龍、熊文俊、郭世榮、陳秀男。1993。水產常用藥物對斑節蝦幼 苗安全濃度之研究,台灣省水產學會刊第二十卷,第四期: 357-366。
  28. C.-L. Lin, J.-S. Ho and S.-N. Chen, 1994, Two species of Caligus (Copepoda: Caligidae) Parasitic on Black Sea Bream (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) Cultured in Taiwan, Fish Pathology, (4): 253-264. 29.
  29. Lin C.-L., J.-S. Ho and S.-N. Chen, 1996. Development stages of Caligus epidemicus Hewitt, a copepod parasite of tilapia cultured in brackish water. Journal of Natural History, 30: 661-684. (SCI)
  30. 熊文俊、林清龍、陳弘成。1996。銅、鎘、鋅對米蝦的急毒性試驗。 嘉義農專學報,47: 129-136。
  31. 熊文俊、林清龍、陳弘成。1996。銅、鎘、鋅對大肚魚的急毒性試驗。 嘉義農專學報,48: 103-114。
  32. Lin C.-L., J.-S. Ho and S.-N. Chen, 1996. Two species of Caligidae (Copepoda) parasitic on cultured rabbit fish (Siganus fuscescens) in Taiwan. Fish Pathology. 31 (3): 129-139. (SCI)
  33. Lin, C.-L., J.-S. Ho and S.-N. Chen, 1997. Development of Caligus multispinosus Shen, a caligid copepod parasitic on the black sea bream (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) cultured in Taiwan. Journal of Natural History, 31: 1483-1500. (SCI)
  34. Lin, C.-L., J.-S. Ho, 1997. Taxonomic Status of Caligus polycanthi Gnanamuthu, a Copepod Parasite of Marine Fishes in the Indo-West Pacific. Zoological Studies, 36(4): 340-344. (SCI)
  35. Lin, C.-L., J.-S. Ho, 1997. Myxobolus episquamalis (Myxosporea) occurring on the scales of the mullet, Liza macrolepis, cultured in Taiwan, Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 24 (3): 193-200.
  36. 林清龍。1997。台灣養殖烏魚的非溶血性鏈球菌症。嘉義技術學院學 報,54: 99-119。
  37. 林清龍。1997。寄生在澎湖箱網養殖石斑魚上的一種單生吸虫類 (Trematoda)-Neobenedenia sp. (Monogenea: Capsalidae)及其細微構造觀察。嘉義技術學院學報,55: 91-105。
  38. Lin, C.-L. and J.-S. Ho, 1998. Two species of ergasilid copepods parasitic on fishes cultured in brackish water in Taiwan. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 111 (1): 15-27. (SCI)
  39. Lin, C.-L. and J.-S. Ho, 1998. Identification of Sea Lice Parasitic on Fishes Cultured in Taiwan. J.chiayi Ins. Tec. 59: 93-107.
  40. Lin, C.-L. and J.-S. Ho, 1998. On a species of Copepoda, Caligus orientalis Gusev, Parasitic on the fishes cultured in Saltwater. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 25 (3): 199-208.
  41. Lin, C.-L. and J.-S. Ho, 1999. Poecilostomatoid Copepods Parasitic in Bivalve Mollusks of Taiwan. The Publication of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, Vol. 38 (5/6): 201-218.
  42. Kubota, S., C.-F. Dai, C.-L. Lin and J.-S. Ho, 1999. The First Occurrence of the Paedomorphic Derivative Hydrozoan Eugymnanthea (Leptomedusae, Eirenidae) from Taiwan, with a Report of a New Host. Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab., 38 (5/6): 219~222.
  43. Ho, J.-S., C.-L. Lin and S.-N. Chen, 2000. Species of Caligus Muller, 1785(Copepoda: Caligidae) parasitic on marine fishes of Taiwan. Systematic Parasitology, 46: 159-179. (SCI)
  44. Ho, J.-S, C.-L. Lin, 2000. Anuretes grandis n. sp., a caligid copepod (Siphonostomatoida) parasitic on Plectorhynchus pictus (Thunburg) in Taiwan, with discussion of Anuretes Heller, 1865. Folia Parasitologica (in press)
  45. Lin, C.-L. and J.-S Ho, 2000. Four species of Unrecorded Caligid Copepods (Siphonostomatoida) Parasitic on Marine Fishes of Taiwan. Joural of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan (in press)
  46. Lin, C.-L. and J.-S. Ho., 2001. Sea Lice (Copepoda, Caligidae) Parasitic on Pelagic Fishes of Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 28(2): 119-142. 
  47. Ho. J.-S. and C.-L. Lin, 2001. Sea Lice (Copepoda, Caligidae) Parasitic on Carangid Fishes of Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 28(3): 177-201.
  48. Ho. J.-S. and C.-L. Lin, 2001. Parapetalus occidentalis Wilson (Copepoda, Caligidae) Parasitic on Both Wild and Farmed Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) in Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 28(4): 305-316.
  49. Lin, C.-L. and J.-S. Ho., 2002. Another Four Species of Unrecorded Sea Lice (Copepoda, Caligidae) Parasitic on Marine Fishes of Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. 29(1): 63-84.
  50. Ho., J.-S. and C.-L. Lin, 2002. Sea Lice (Copepoda, Caligidae) Parasitic on Silver Pomfret (Pampus argenteus) of Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 29(3): 173-185.
  51. Lin, C.-L. & J.-S. Ho, 2002. Two Species of Siphonostomatoid Copepods Parasitic on Pelagic Fishes of Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 29(4): 313-332.
  52. Ho, J.-S. and C.-L. Lin, 2002. New Species of Metacaligus (Caligidae, Copepoda) Parasitic on the Cutlassfish (Trichiurus lepturus) of Taiwan, with a Cladistic Analysis of the Family Caligidae. Zoological Science, 19: 1363-1375. ( SCI) 
  53. Ho, J.-S. and C.-L. Lin, 2003. Naricolax insolitus n. sp., a bomolochid copepod (Poecilostomatoida) parasitic in the nasal cavities of silver pomfret (Pampus argenteus) in Taiwan. Systematic Parasitology, 54(3):223-228. (SCI)
  54. Ho, J.-S. and C.-L. Lin, 2003. Solution to Taxonomic Confusion and Complexity of Caligus epinepheli Yamaguti, a Caligid Copepod (Siphonostomatoida) Parasitic on marine Fishes. Zoological Studies, 42(2):268-283. (SCI)
  55. Ho, J.-S. and C.-L. Lin, 2003. Three Species of Caligus (Copepoda: Caligidae) Parasitic on Fishes of the Northeast Coast of Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 30(1):55-70.
  56. Lin, C.-L. and J.-S. Ho., 2003. Two Species of Rare Sea Lice (Copepods, Caligidae) Parasitic on Marine Fish of Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 30(2):147-158.
  57. Ho, J.-S. and C.-L. Lin, 2003. Three Species of Sea Lice (Copepoda: Caligidae) Parasitic on Marine Fishes of Taiwan . Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan , 30(4):299-314.
  58. Ho, J.-S. and C.-L. Lin, 2004. Caligus planktonis Pilla (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida) Parasitic on the largescale mullet of Taiwan, Crustaceana, 76(10): 1201-1209. ( SCI )
  59. Lin, C.-L. and J.-S. Ho, 2004. Three species of Nothobomolochus Vervoort, 1962 (Copepoda, Bomolochidae) parasitic on marine fishes landed at Mi-tuo Fishing Port in southern Taiwan . Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan , 31(3): 201-224.
  60. Lin, C.-L. and J.-S. Ho, 2005. Three species of Nothobomolochus Vervoort, 1962 (Copepoda : Bomolochidae) parasitic on marine fishes landed at Dong-shih Fishing Port in central Taiwan . Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 32 (1) : 1-17.
  61. Lin, C.-L. and J.-S. Ho, 2005. Three Species of Bomolochus (Copepoda: Bomolochidae) Parasitic on Marine Fishes of Taiwan . Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 32(2 ) : 113-128
  62. 62. Ho, J.-S. and C.-L. Lin, 2005. Two new Species of Nothobomolochus Vervoort, 1962 (Copepoda, Bomolochidae) Parasitic on Marine Fishe of Taiwan. Crustaceana, 77(11 ) : 1389-1402
  63. Ho, J.-S. and C.-L. Lin, 2005. Three species of Naricolax Ho, Do & Kasahara, 1983 (Copepoda, Bomolochidae) parasitic in the nasal cavities of Marine Fishes of Taiwan. Crustaceana , 78(5): 599-619. (SCI)
  64. Ho, J.-S. and C.-L. Lin, 2006. A New Bomolochid Copepod Parasitic on Marine Fishes of Taiwan , with Reassignment of Species of Holobomolochus Vervoort, 1969. Crustaceana,   78(11): 1369-1381. (SCI)
  65. Lin, C.-L. and J.-S. Ho, 2006. Four Species of Unicolax Cressey and Cressey, 1980 (Copepoda: Bomolochidae) Parasitic on Marine Fishes of Taiwan . Zoological Studies, 45(3): 339-356. (SCI)
  66. Lin, C.-L. and J.-S. Ho, 2006. Copepods of the Genus Taeniacanthus Sumpf, 1871 (Poecilostomatoida : Taeniacanthidae) Parasitic on Marine Fishes of Taiwan . Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan , 33(2): 171-191.
  67. Ho, J.-S. and C.-L. Lin*, 2006. Two Species of Makrostrotos gen. nov. (Copepoda : Taeniacanthidae) Parasitic on the Laced Moray (Gymnothorax favagineus Bloch and Schneider) in Taiwan . Zoological Studies, Vol.45(4): 578-585. (SCI)
  68. Ho, J.-S., C.-L. Lin and W.-B. Chang, 2007. Four Species of Caligus Müller, 1785 (Copepoda, Siphonostomatoida, Caligidae) Parasitic on Marine Fishes of Taiwan . Journal of Natural History, 41(5-8): 401-417. (SCI)
  69. Ho, J.-S. and C.-L. Lin, 2007. Two New Species of Taeniacanthid Copepods (Poecilostomatoida) Parasitic on Marine Fishes of Taiwan . Systematic Parasitology, 67:73-80. (SCI)
  70. Ho, J.-S., Y.-R. Cheng and C.-L. Lin, 2007. The Development of Parabranchiella lata (Song&Chen, 1976), A Lernaeopodid Copepod Parasitic on The Black Porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegeli (Bleeker), of Taiwan . Crustaceana, 80(1):47-66. (SCI)
  71. Ho, J.-S. and C.-L. Lin, 2007. Three Species of Caligus Müller, 1785 (Copepoda, Caligidae) Parasitic on Caranx (Teleostei, Carangidae) of Taiwan . Systematic Parasitology , 68:33-43. (SCI) 
  72. Lin, C.-L. * and J.-S. Ho, 2007. Six Species of Sea Lice (Copepoda, Caligidae) New to Taiwan . Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan , 34(1):41-67.
  73. Ho, J.-S., C.-L. Lin * , 2007. Taeniacanthid Copepods (Poecilostomatoida) Parasitic on Marine Fishes of Taiwan . Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan , 34(2):147-164.
  74. Ho, J.-S., C. -L. Lin * , 2007. On a Rare Species of Parasitic Copepod, Boylea longispica Cressey, 1977 (Poecilostomatoida) ,with a key to the Genera of Bomolochidae. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan , 34(3):299-306.
  75. Ho, J.-S., W.-C. Chiang and C.-L. Lin * , 2007. Two Poecilostomatoid Copepods Parasitic on Marine Fishes of Taiwan . Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan , 34(4):343-352.
  76. Ho, J. -S. , S.-H. Cheng, W.-C. Chang and C.-L. Lin*, 2008. Two Species of Siphonostomatoid Copepods Parasitic on Marine Fishes of Taiwan . Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan , 35(1): 1-13.
  77. Boxshall G. A., C.-L. Lin, J.-S. Ho, S. Ohtsuka , B. A. Venmathi Maran and J. L. Justine, 2008. A Revision of the Family Dissonidae ( Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida ). Systematic Parasitology , 70:81-106. 
  78. Lin, C.-L. and J.-S. Ho, 2008. Three Species of Pseudotaeniacanthus Yamaguti and Yamasu, 1959 (Copepoda : Taeniacanthidae) Parasitic on Laced Moray (Gymnothorax favagineus ) in Taiwan . Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington , 121(2):177-190. (SCI)
  79. Lin, C.-L. and J.-S. Ho*, 2008. Nothobomolochus gazzae ( Shen, 1957 ), A Rare Parasitic Copepod Found on Marine Fish of Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 35(2):167-173.
  80. Ho, J.-S., W.-C. Chiang and C.-L. Lin*, 2008. Three species of caligid copepods (Siphonostomatoida) parasitic on marine fishes collected off Tai-dong, Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 35(3):223-237.
  81. Ho, J.-S., W.-Z. Liu and C.-L. Lin*, 2008. Six Species of Lernanthropid copepods (Siphonostomatoida) parasitic on Marine Fishes of Taiwan. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 35(3):251-280.
  82. Ju-shey Ho & Ching-Long Lin, 2009. Bomolochus bramus n. sp. (Copepoda, Poecilostomatoida, Bomolochidae) from the pomfrets (Bramidae) off Taiwan, with lists of nominal species of Bomolochus Nordmann, 1832, ZOOTATA (in pressing).

Conference Papers

  1. Ching-Long Lin and Ju-Shey Ho, 1993, Life History of Caligus epidemicus Hewitt parasitic on the tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) cultured in brackish water. Pathogens of Wilk and Farmed Fish:Sea lice, 5-15. First European Crustacean Conference Series, in paris. 
  2. Ching-Long Lin and Ju-Shey Ho, 1996, Developmental stages of Caligus Multispinosus shen, a caligid Copepod Parasitic of the Black sea bream (Acanthopagrus schlegli) in Taiwan. 6th International Conference on Copepoda, in Oldenburg , Germany .
  3. Ching-Long Lin and Ju-Shey Ho, 1998, Identification of the sea lice parasitic on fishes culture in Taiwan . Ⅸ th International Congress of Parasitology in Chiba, Japan. 
  4. Ching-Long Lin and Ju-Shey Ho, 1999, New species of Caligus from Taiwan . 7th International Conference on Copepoda, in Curitiba , Brazil .
  5. Ching-Long Lin and Ju-Shey Ho, 2005, Five Species of Taeniacanthid Copepods Parasitic on the Gill Filaments of Laced Moray (Gymnothorax favagineus Bloch & Schneider) in Taiwan. 9th International Conference on Copepoda, in Hammamet , Tunisia .
  6. Ching – Long Lin and Ju-Shey Ho, 2008, A New Specie of Bomolochus Claus , 1864 ( Copepoda : Bomolochidae ) Parasitic on Gill of the Fish, Brama japonica Hilgendorf, 1878, of Taiwan .. 10th International Conference on Copepoda, in Pattaya , Thailand . 
  7. Ching-Long Lin and Ju-Shey Ho, 2008, A New Specie of Bomolochus Claus , 1864 ( Copepoda : Bomolochidae ) Parasitic on Gill of the Fish, Brama japonica Hilgendorf, 1878, of Taiwan. 10th International Conference on Copepoda, in Pattaya, Thailand.
  8. Wei-Cheng Liu, Ching-Long Lin and Ju-Shey Ho, 2008, Lernanthropid copepodas parasitic on marine fishes of Taiwan. 10th International Conference on Copepoda, in Pattaya, Thailand. 

Other Papers

  1. 林清龍。1979。利用甲基睪固酮使莫三鼻克種吳郭魚發生性轉變以生 產單性子代。中國水產 No. 320: 11-14
  2. 林清龍。1982。青蛙養殖及病害。漁友雜誌月刊 53: 38-39.
  3. 林清龍。1982。虱目魚越冬期間之病害及其對策,漁友雜誌,56月 號: 42-44
  4. 林清龍。1984。文蛤大量暴斃之調查報告,漁友雜誌74月號: 46-48
  5. 林清龍。1988。草蝦病害與防治,台灣省漁業局漁業推廣月刊,No. 23: 56-57
  6. 林清龍。1988。草蝦病害與防治(續),台灣省漁業局漁業推廣月刊, No. 24: 56-57
  7. 林清龍。1988。草蝦病害與防治。台灣省漁業局漁業推廣月刊,No. 25: 56-57
  8. 林清龍。1988。草魚杯狀蟲鰓寄生及柱狀病的併發症。台灣省漁業局 漁業推廣月刊,No. 26: 55-56
  9. 林清龍、吳慶麗、丁雲源。198876(1-12)台南地區魚、蝦病診療 服務成果之探討,台灣省漁業推廣月刊,No. 28: 42-46
  10. 林清龍、吳慶麗。198977年草蝦疾病之探討,台灣省漁業局漁業推 廣月刊,No. 29: 9-11
  11. 林清龍。1989。淡水虱目魚鰓上的水黴菌感染症,台灣省漁業推廣月 刊,No. 30: 56-57
  12. 林清龍、吳慶麗。1989。青魚柱狀病感染症 (Columnaris Disease), 台灣省漁業推廣月刊,No. 33: 55-57
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  37. 林清龍、吳慶麗。1996。養殖金龍仔的雙生類(Digenea)吸蟲的體表 寄生,台灣省漁業局漁業推廣,116: 37-39
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  47. 林清龍。1998。魚類的高血糖症。台灣省漁業局漁業推廣,143: 59-60
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  49. 林清龍。1998。另一種魚虱的魚體上寄生-鰓尾類魚虱屬(Argulus), 台灣省漁業局漁業推廣,145: 25-29
  50. 林清龍。1998。淺談魚類的免疫反應及其在魚病預防上的應用,台灣 省漁業局漁業推廣,146: 13-21
  51. 林清龍。1998。吳郭魚的立克次樣菌(Rickettsia-like organism)病,台 灣省漁業局漁業推廣,147: 59-60
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  63. 2004, 1,Ho, J.-S. and C.-L. Lin, Sea Lice of Taiwan (Copepod: Siphonostomatoida: Caligidae) , 388 pp. 






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